Entity Medication Administration Explanation Array

DescriptionA set of instructions that has been noted by the ordering practitioner for the patient or the practitioner administering the drug or treatment.

For example:
Administer 30 minutes before the procedure is due to commence
Check heart rate before administering

AWM Load Info SkAWM Load Info Sk
Current IndCurrent Ind
DWM Load Info SkDWM Load Info Sk
Effective From DtEffective From Dt
Effective To DtEffective To Dt
Explanation TxtExplanation Txt
Explanation Type CdExplanation Type Cd
Explanation Type Code SkExplanation Type Code Sk
Explanation Type DescrExplanation Type Descr
Instruction CdInstruction Cd
Instruction Code SkInstruction Code Sk
Instruction DescrInstruction Descr
Instruction TxtInstruction Txt
Instruction Type CdInstruction Type Cd
Instruction Type Code SkInstruction Type Code Sk
Instruction Type DescrInstruction Type Descr
Medication Administration DkMedication Administration Dk
Medication Administration SkMedication Administration Sk
Pharmacy Order SkPharmacy Order Sk
Priority SeqPriority Seq
Source Code SkSource Code Sk
Tenant SkTenant Sk
Valid From TsValid From Ts
Valid To TsValid To Ts

Medication Administration Instruction_Medication Administration_FKMedication Administration Instruction_Medication Administration_FK

Primary Key
Medication Administration Explanation Array PKMedication Administration Explanation Array PK


Reverse Dependencies

Attribute Details

 AWM Load Info Sk
DescriptionThe surrogate key of the load information entry describing the details regarding the loading of the row in the atomic data warehouse.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Current Ind
DescriptionSet to 'Y' if this is the most recent row of a group having the same Surrogate Key.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 DWM Load Info Sk
DescriptionThe surrogate key of the load information entry describing the details regarding the loading of the row.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Effective From Dt
DescriptionEstablishes a period where a set of attributes are true according to the business.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Date [DATE]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Effective To Dt
DescriptionEnds a period of effectivity.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Date [DATE]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Explanation Txt
DescriptionNotes from the provider administering the medication/treatment. If coded, requires a user-defined table. If free text (describing a custom IV, mixture, or salve, for example) place a null in the first component and the text in the second, e.g., |^this is a free text administration note|.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Free Text [VARCHAR(1024)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Explanation Type Cd
DescriptionIndicates the type of instruction associated with the drug/treatment administration. This could include instructions from the dispensing pharmacy or the drug manufacturer.

For Example:

Medication Preparation Instruction
Patient Preparation Instruction
Storage Instructions
Administration Instructions
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Tenant Common Code [VARCHAR(80)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Explanation Type Code Sk
DescriptionIndicates the type of instruction associated with the drug/treatment administration. This could include instructions from the dispensing pharmacy or the drug manufacturer.

For Example:

Medication Preparation Instruction
Patient Preparation Instruction
Storage Instructions
Administration Instructions
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Explanation Type Descr
DescriptionIndicates the type of instruction associated with the drug/treatment administration. This could include instructions from the dispensing pharmacy or the drug manufacturer.

For Example:

Medication Preparation Instruction
Patient Preparation Instruction
Storage Instructions
Administration Instructions
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Instruction Cd
DescriptionIndicates the type of instruction associated with the drug/treatment administration. This could include instructions from the dispensing pharmacy or the drug manufacturer.

For Example:

Medication Preparation Instruction
Patient Preparation Instruction
Storage Instructions
Administration Instructions
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Tenant Common Code [VARCHAR(80)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Instruction Code Sk
DescriptionIdentifies the instructions/guidance for the use of prescribed drug/treatment.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Instruction Descr
DescriptionIndicates the type of instruction associated with the drug/treatment administration. This could include instructions from the dispensing pharmacy or the drug manufacturer.

For Example:

Medication Preparation Instruction
Patient Preparation Instruction
Storage Instructions
Administration Instructions
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Description [VARCHAR(250)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Instruction Txt
DescriptionContains notes or instructions linked with the medication to be administered.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Free Text [VARCHAR(1024)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Instruction Type Cd
DescriptionIndicates the type of instruction associated with the drug/treatment administration. This could include instructions from the dispensing pharmacy or the drug manufacturer.

For Example:

Medication Preparation Instruction
Patient Preparation Instruction
Storage Instructions
Administration Instructions
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Tenant Common Code [VARCHAR(80)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Instruction Type Code Sk
DescriptionIndications the kind of annotation to the Administration this explanation represents.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Instruction Type Descr
DescriptionIndications the kind of annotation to the Administration this explanation represents.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Description [VARCHAR(250)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Medication Administration Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Medication Administration Sk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the atomic model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Pharmacy Order Sk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the atomic model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Priority Seq
DescriptionRelative order or importance of this row in the set of annotations.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Sequence Number [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Source Code Sk
DescriptionThe origin of the data identifying the actual load source, vendor, manual key entry, or context of the data in a specific row in the database.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Tenant Sk
DescriptionThe surrogate key of the entry identifying the legal owner of the data.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Valid From Ts
DescriptionEstablishes a period where a set of attributes are true in the source system. This would be populated with the transaction timestamp and would be used for the snapshot date.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Valid To Ts
DescriptionEnds a period of validity.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

Relationship Details

 Medication Administration Instruction_Medication Administration_FK
Is Identifying Relationshipfalse
Child TableMedication Administration Explanation Array
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableMedication Administration Fact
Parent MultiplicityZERO_TO_ONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

Primary Key Details

 Medication Administration Explanation Array PK
Key AttributeMedication Administration Dk
Key AttributeExplanation Type Code Sk
Key AttributePriority Seq
Key AttributeValid From Ts