Entity NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot

DescriptionA snapshot fact table which consists of measures, indicators and timestamps related to NHSN statistics around infections related to central lines, catheters and ventilators.

Admission TsAdmission Ts
Asymptomatic Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection (ABUTI) diagnosis TsAsymptomatic Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection (ABUTI) diagnosis Ts
Asymptomatic Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection (ABUTI) IndAsymptomatic Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection (ABUTI) Ind
Calendar DkCalendar Dk
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) diagnosis TsCatheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) diagnosis Ts
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) IndCatheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Ind
Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) diagnosis TsCentral Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) diagnosis Ts
Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) IndCentral Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) Ind
Central Line IndCentral Line Ind
Central Line Inserted TsCentral Line Inserted Ts
Central Line Removed TsCentral Line Removed Ts
Clinically Defined Pneumonia (PNU1) diagnosis TsClinically Defined Pneumonia (PNU1) diagnosis Ts
Clinically Defined Pneumonia (PNU1) IndClinically Defined Pneumonia (PNU1) Ind
Condition DkCondition Dk
Discharge TsDischarge Ts
Geographic Area DkGeographic Area Dk
Inpatient IndInpatient Ind
Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections (LCBI) diagnosis TsLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections (LCBI) diagnosis Ts
Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections (LCBI) IndLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections (LCBI) Ind
Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 1) 1 diagnosis TsLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 1) 1 diagnosis Ts
Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 1) 1 IndLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 1) 1 Ind
Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 2) 2 diagnosis TsLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 2) 2 diagnosis Ts
Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 2) 2 IndLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 2) 2 Ind
Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 3) 3 diagonsis TsLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 3) 3 diagonsis Ts
Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 3) 3 IndLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 3) 3 Ind
Load Info SkLoad Info Sk
Patient DkPatient Dk
Permanent Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (PCLABSI) diagnosis TsPermanent Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (PCLABSI) diagnosis Ts
Permanent Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (PCLABSI) IndPermanent Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (PCLABSI) Ind
Permanent Central Line IndPermanent Central Line Ind
Permanent Central Line Inserted TsPermanent Central Line Inserted Ts
Permanent Central Line Removed TsPermanent Central Line Removed Ts
Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients (PNU3) diagnosis TsPneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients (PNU3) diagnosis Ts
Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients (PNU3) IndPneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients (PNU3) Ind
Pneumonia With Specific Laboratory Findings (PNU2) diagnosis TsPneumonia With Specific Laboratory Findings (PNU2) diagnosis Ts
Pneumonia With Specific Laboratory Findings (PNU2) IndPneumonia With Specific Laboratory Findings (PNU2) Ind
Practitioner DkPractitioner Dk
Provider DkProvider Dk
Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI) diagonsis TsSymptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI) diagonsis Ts
Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI) IndSymptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI) Ind
Temporary Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (TCLABSI) diagnosis TsTemporary Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (TCLABSI) diagnosis Ts
Temporary Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (TCLABSI) IndTemporary Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (TCLABSI) Ind
Temporary Central Line IndTemporary Central Line Ind
Temporary Central Line Inserted TsTemporary Central Line Inserted Ts
Temporary Central Line Removed TsTemporary Central Line Removed Ts
Tenant SkTenant Sk
Urinary Catheter IndUrinary Catheter Ind
Urinary Catheter Inserted TsUrinary Catheter Inserted Ts
Urinary Catheter Removed TsUrinary Catheter Removed Ts
Urinary Tract Infection Diagnosis TsUrinary Tract Infection Diagnosis Ts
Urinary Tract Infection IndUrinary Tract Infection Ind
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) IndVentilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Ind
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) TsVentilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Ts
Ventilator Use Ended TsVentilator Use Ended Ts
Ventilator Use IndVentilator Use Ind
Ventilator Use Started TsVentilator Use Started Ts

NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Patient Dimension_FKNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Patient Dimension_FK
NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Provider Dimension_FKNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Provider Dimension_FK
NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Condition Dimension_FKNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Condition Dimension_FK
NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Geographic Area Dimension_FKNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Geographic Area Dimension_FK
NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Practitioner Dimension_FKNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Practitioner Dimension_FK
NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Calendar Dimension_FKNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Calendar Dimension_FK

Primary Key
NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot PKNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot PK


Reverse Dependencies

Attribute Details

 Admission Ts
DescriptionThe admit date/time. It is to be used if the event date/time is different than the admit date and time, i.e., a retroactive update.
This field is also used to reflect the date/time of an out-patient/emergency patient registration.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Asymptomatic Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection (ABUTI) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionAsymptomatic Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection (ABUTI) diagnosis timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Asymptomatic Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection (ABUTI) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Asymptomatic Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection (ABUTI).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Calendar Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionCatheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) diagnosis timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionCentral Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Central Line Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient has or had a central line inserted.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Central Line Inserted Ts
DescriptionCentral line inserted timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Central Line Removed Ts
DescriptionCentral line removed timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Clinically Defined Pneumonia (PNU1) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionClinically Defined Pneumonia (PNU1) timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Clinically Defined Pneumonia (PNU1) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Clinically Defined Pneumonia (PNU1).

For any ventilated patient, at least one of the following:
• Fever (38°C or 100.4°F)
• Leukopenia (4000 WBC/mm3) or leukocytosis (=12,000 WBC/mm3)
• For adults =70 years old, altered mental status with no other recognized cause and at least two of the following:
• New onset of purulent sputum, or change in character of sputum, or increased respiratory secretions, or increased suctioning requirements
• New onset or worsening cough, or dyspnea, or tachypnea
• Rales or bronchial breath sounds
• Worsening gas exchange (e.g., O2 desaturations (e.g., PaO2/FiO2 =240)7, increased oxygen requirements, or increased ventilator demand)
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Condition Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Discharge Ts
DescriptionThe discharge date/time. It is to be used if the event date/time is different than the discharge date and time, that is, a retroactive update.
This field is also used to reflect the date/time of an outpatient/emergency patient discharge.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Geographic Area Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Inpatient Ind
DescriptionAn Indicator to Identify an Inpatient. Inpatient is a type of encounter in which the patient visits the healthcare facility and stays overnight and is assigned a bed. An encounter groups a number of healthcare events, typically commencing with an admission or transfer into the healthcare facility and ends with a discharge or transfer out.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections (LCBI) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections (LCBI) timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections (LCBI) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections (LCBI).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 1) 1 diagnosis Ts
DescriptionLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI) 1 timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 1) 1 Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI) 1.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 2) 2 diagnosis Ts
DescriptionLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI) 2 timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 2) 2 Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI) 2.

Patient has at least one of the following signs or symptoms: fever (38C), chills, or hypotension and positive laboratory results are not related to an infection at another body site and the same common commensal (i.e., diphtheroids [Corynebacterium spp. not C. diphtheriae], Bacillus spp. [not B. anthracis], Propionibacterium spp., coagulase-negative staphylococci [including S. epidermidis], viridans group streptococci, Aerococcus spp., and Micrococcus spp.) is cultured from two or more blood cultures drawn on separate occasions. Criterion elements must occur within a timeframe that does not exceed a gap of 1 calendar day between two adjacent elements.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 3) 3 diagonsis Ts
DescriptionLaboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI) 3 timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI 3) 3 Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Laboratory Confirmed Bloodstream Infections Criterion (LCBI) 3.

Patient = 1 year of age has at least one of the following signs or symptoms: fever (38C core), hypothermia (36C core), apnea, or bradycardia and positive laboratory results are not related to an infection at another body site and the same common commensal (i.e., diphtheroids [Corynebacterium spp. not C. diphtheriae], Bacillus spp. [not B. anthracis], Propionibacterium spp., coagulase-negative staphylococci [including S. epidermidis], viridans group streptococci, Aerococcus spp., Micrococcus spp.) is cultured from two or more blood cultures drawn on the same or consecutive days and separate occasions. Criterion elements must occur within a timeframe that does not exceed a gap of 1 calendar day between two adjacent elements.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Load Info Sk
DescriptionThe surrogate key of the load information entry describing the details regarding the loading of the row.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Patient Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Permanent Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (PCLABSI) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionPermanent Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection (PCLABSI) timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Permanent Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (PCLABSI) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Permanent Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection (PCLABSI).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Permanent Central Line Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient has or had a permanent central line inserted.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Permanent Central Line Inserted Ts
DescriptionPermanent central line inserted timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Permanent Central Line Removed Ts
DescriptionPermanent central line removed timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients (PNU3) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionPneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients (PNU3) timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients (PNU3) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Pneumonia in Immunocompromised Patients (PNU3).

An immunocompromised patient's immune system is weakened or absent which means their ability to battle infections is reduced.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Pneumonia With Specific Laboratory Findings (PNU2) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionPneumonia With Specific Laboratory Findings (PNU2) timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Pneumonia With Specific Laboratory Findings (PNU2) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Pneumonia With Specific Laboratory Findings (PNU2).

This pneumonia in ventilated patients is linked to common bacteria, filamentous fungal pathogens, virus and legionella and other specific laboratory findings.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Practitioner Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Provider Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI) diagonsis Ts
DescriptionSymptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI) timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Symptomatic Urinary Tract Infection (SUTI).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Temporary Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (TCLABSI) diagnosis Ts
DescriptionTemporary Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection (TCLABSI) timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Temporary Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (TCLABSI) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Temporary Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection (TCLABSI).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Temporary Central Line Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient has or had a temporary central line inserted.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Temporary Central Line Inserted Ts
DescriptionTemporary central line inserted timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Temporary Central Line Removed Ts
DescriptionTemporary central line removed timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Tenant Sk
DescriptionThe surrogate key of the entry identifying the legal owner of the data.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Urinary Catheter Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient has/had a urinary catheter.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Urinary Catheter Inserted Ts
DescriptionUrinary Catheter inserted timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Urinary Catheter Removed Ts
DescriptionUrinary Catheter removed timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Urinary Tract Infection Diagnosis Ts
DescriptionUrinary Tract Infection (UTI) diagnosis timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Urinary Tract Infection Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient is diagnosed with an Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP).
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Ts
DescriptionVentilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Timestamp.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Ventilator Use Ended Ts
DescriptionTimestamp representing when the patient stopped using a ventilator.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Ventilator Use Ind
DescriptionIndicator to identify if the patient used a ventilator.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Boolean Indicator [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Ventilator Use Started Ts
DescriptionTimestamp representing when the patient started using a ventilator.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Timestamp [TIMESTAMP]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

Relationship Details

 NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Patient Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TablePatient Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Provider Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableProvider Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Condition Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableCondition Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Geographic Area Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableGeographic Area Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Practitioner Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TablePractitioner Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot_Calendar Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableNHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableCalendar Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

Primary Key Details

 NHSN Device Associated Infections Snapshot PK
Key AttributePatient Dk
Key AttributeProvider Dk
Key AttributeCalendar Dk
Key AttributeCondition Dk
Key AttributeGeographic Area Dk
Key AttributePractitioner Dk