Entity Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis

DescriptionThe analysis of the costs incurred by the Health Plan Organization during business operations.

Calendar DkCalendar Dk
Call Center Cost AmountCall Center Cost Amount
Claims Administration Cost AmountClaims Administration Cost Amount
Commission Cost AmountCommission Cost Amount
Geographic Area DkGeographic Area Dk
Group DkGroup Dk
Health Plan Product DkHealth Plan Product Dk
Intermediary Dimension DkIntermediary Dimension Dk
Number Of MembersNumber Of Members
Operating Expenses AmountOperating Expenses Amount
Operating Expenses Per Member AmountOperating Expenses Per Member Amount
Organization DkOrganization Dk
Outsourcing Cost AmountOutsourcing Cost Amount
Plan Member DkPlan Member Dk
Sales General And Administrative Cost AmountSales General And Administrative Cost Amount
Support Function Cost AmountSupport Function Cost Amount

Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Calendar Dimension_FKHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Calendar Dimension_FK
Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Geographic Area Dimension_FKHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Geographic Area Dimension_FK
Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Group Dimension_FKHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Group Dimension_FK
Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Plan Member Dimension_FKHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Plan Member Dimension_FK
Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Health Plan Product Dimension_FKHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Health Plan Product Dimension_FK
Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Organization Dimension_FKHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Organization Dimension_FK
Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Intermediary Dimension_FKHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Intermediary Dimension_FK

Primary Key
Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis PKHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis PK


Reverse Dependencies

Attribute Details

 Calendar Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Call Center Cost Amount
DescriptionThe total cost related to call center activities including for member service, provider service, and other call centers.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Claims Administration Cost Amount
DescriptionThe total cost related to the administration of claims.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Commission Cost Amount
DescriptionThe total commission cost including commissions paid to employees, brokers, agents and other intermediaries.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Geographic Area Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Group Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Health Plan Product Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Intermediary Dimension Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Number Of Members
DescriptionThe total count of members, during the period of analysis.
This may be the total number of people with one or more active memberships at a given point in time during the period, or the average number of people with active memberships over the full period.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Count [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Operating Expenses Amount
DescriptionThe total of all operating expenses associated with running the business during the measurement period.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Operating Expenses Per Member Amount
DescriptionThe average operating expense incurred per member.

Formula: [A/B]
(see dependencies and their labels for measures used in the formula)
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Organization Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Outsourcing Cost Amount
DescriptionThe total cost of outsourcing whole processes or particular process functions.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Plan Member Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Sales General And Administrative Cost Amount
DescriptionSelling, General and Administrative expenses (SGA) are the total of all direct and indirect selling expenses and all general and administrative expenses of a Health Plan Organization, as reported on a company's income statement.
Direct selling expenses are expenses that can be directly linked to the sale of a specific unit such as a broker commission for the sale of a healthcare insurance policy.
Indirect selling expenses are expenses which cannot be directly linked to the sale of a specific unit, but which are proportionally allocated to all units sold during a certain period, such as telephone, interest and postal charges.
General and administrative expenses include, among other things, salaries of non-sales personnel, rent, heat and lights.

Formula: [A+B+C]
(see dependencies and their labels for measures used in the formula)
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Support Function Cost Amount
DescriptionThe total cost related to policy administration, finance, IT, HR and other support functions.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

Relationship Details

 Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Calendar Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableCalendar Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Geographic Area Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableGeographic Area Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Group Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableGroup Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Plan Member Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TablePlan Member Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Health Plan Product Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableHealth Plan Product Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Organization Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableOrganization Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis_Intermediary Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableHealth Plan Operational Cost Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableIntermediary Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

Primary Key Details

 Health Plan Operational Cost Analysis PK
Key AttributePlan Member Dk
Key AttributeCalendar Dk
Key AttributeGeographic Area Dk
Key AttributeGroup Dk
Key AttributeHealth Plan Product Dk
Key AttributeOrganization Dk
Key AttributeIntermediary Dimension Dk