Entity Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis

DescriptionThe analysis of health plan resource utilization related to underwriting processes and activities.

Average Underwriting Cost Per MemberAverage Underwriting Cost Per Member
Average Underwriting Cost Per PolicyAverage Underwriting Cost Per Policy
Calendar DkCalendar Dk
Capital Expenditure For OrganizationCapital Expenditure For Organization
Cost Of Underwriting Rules ChangesCost Of Underwriting Rules Changes
Geographic Area DkGeographic Area Dk
Health Plan Product DkHealth Plan Product Dk
Insurance Policy Dimension DkInsurance Policy Dimension Dk
Number Of MembersNumber Of Members
Number Of New Policies IssuedNumber Of New Policies Issued
Number Of Policy RenewalsNumber Of Policy Renewals
Number Of Underwriting Rules ChangesNumber Of Underwriting Rules Changes
Organization DkOrganization Dk
Regulatory Compliance CostsRegulatory Compliance Costs
Underwriting Capex As Percentage Of TotalUnderwriting Capex As Percentage Of Total
Underwriting Capital Expenditure AmountUnderwriting Capital Expenditure Amount
Underwriting CostUnderwriting Cost
Underwriting Management CostUnderwriting Management Cost
Underwriting Management Personnel CostUnderwriting Management Personnel Cost
Underwriting Personnel CostUnderwriting Personnel Cost
Underwriting Risk Assessment CostUnderwriting Risk Assessment Cost
Underwriting Risk Assessment Personnel CostUnderwriting Risk Assessment Personnel Cost
Underwriting Rules Setting CostUnderwriting Rules Setting Cost
Underwriting Rules Setting Personnel CostUnderwriting Rules Setting Personnel Cost

Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Calendar Dimension_FKUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Calendar Dimension_FK
Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Geographic Area Dimension_FKUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Geographic Area Dimension_FK
Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Health Plan Product Dimension_FKUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Health Plan Product Dimension_FK
Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Insurance Policy Dimension_FKUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Insurance Policy Dimension_FK
Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Organization Dimension_FKUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Organization Dimension_FK

Primary Key
Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis PKUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis PK


Reverse Dependencies

Attribute Details

 Average Underwriting Cost Per Member
DescriptionThe average underwriting cost per member.

Formula: [A/B]
(see dependencies and their labels for measures used in the formula)
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Average Underwriting Cost Per Policy
DescriptionThe average underwriting cost per policy.

Formula: [A/(B+C)]
(see dependencies and their labels for measures used in the formula)
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Calendar Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Capital Expenditure For Organization
DescriptionOverall capital expenditure (CAPEX) figure for the organization.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Cost Of Underwriting Rules Changes
DescriptionTotal cost of maintaining the underwriting rules.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Geographic Area Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Health Plan Product Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Insurance Policy Dimension Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Number Of Members
DescriptionThe total count of members, during the period of analysis.
This may be the total number of people with one or more active memberships at a given point in time during the period, or the average number of people with active memberships over the full period.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Count [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Number Of New Policies Issued
DescriptionThe total number of new health plan policies written for a specified period.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Count [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Number Of Policy Renewals
DescriptionThe total number of health plan policies that were renewed.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Count [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Number Of Underwriting Rules Changes
DescriptionThe total number of underwriting rules, requiring a change during the reference period.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Count [INTEGER]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Organization Dk
DescriptionA numeric surrogate key used to uniquely identify entities in the dimensional model.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Surrogate Key Large [LONG]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeytrue
Is Requiredtrue
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Regulatory Compliance Costs
DescriptionThe cost of complying with underwriting related regulations, including the costs associated with validating underwriting rules and reporting the underwritten risk.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Capex As Percentage Of Total
DescriptionThe capital expenditure (CAPEX) for underwriting operations expressed as a percentage of the total capital expenditures of the company.

Formula: [(A/B)*100]
(see dependencies and their labels for measures used in the formula)
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Percentage [FLOAT(2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Capital Expenditure Amount
DescriptionThe amount of capital expenditure (CAPEX) that is attributable to underwriting.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Cost
DescriptionTotal cost of the underwriting processes.

Formula: [A+B+C]
(see dependencies and their labels for measures used in the formula)
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Management Cost
DescriptionTotal cost for managing and controlling the underwriting processes.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Management Personnel Cost
DescriptionThe total cost of personnel required to manage and control the underwriting activities.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Personnel Cost
DescriptionThe total cost of personnel required to perform the underwriting processes.

Formula: [A+B+C]
(see dependencies and their labels for measures used in the formula)
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Risk Assessment Cost
DescriptionThe total cost of underwriting activities. That is reviewing an application or renewal for completeness, assessing and analyzing risks, and applying the underwriting rules and rates to generate quotes.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Risk Assessment Personnel Cost
DescriptionThe total cost of personnel required to perform the underwriting risk assessment activities.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Rules Setting Cost
DescriptionTotal cost of setting and maintaining underwriting rules.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

 Underwriting Rules Setting Personnel Cost
DescriptionThe total cost of personnel required to perform the activities of underwriting rules setting and maintaining the rules.
Data TypeStandards - Data Domains.ddm/Data Domains/Currency Amount [DECIMAL(14,2)]
Is Part Of PrimaryKeyfalse
Is Requiredfalse
Is Derivedfalse
Is Surrogate Keyfalse

Relationship Details

 Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Calendar Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableCalendar Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Geographic Area Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableGeographic Area Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Health Plan Product Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableHealth Plan Product Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Insurance Policy Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableInsurance Policy Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

 Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis_Organization Dimension_FK
Is Identifying Relationshiptrue
Child TableUnderwriting Resource Utilization Analysis
Child MultiplicityZERO_TO_MANY
Child Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Child Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE
Parent TableOrganization Dimension
Parent MultiplicityONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On DeleteNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On InsertNONE
Parent Referential Integrity: On UpdateNONE

Primary Key Details

 Underwriting Resource Utilization Analysis PK
Key AttributeCalendar Dk
Key AttributeGeographic Area Dk
Key AttributeHealth Plan Product Dk
Key AttributeInsurance Policy Dimension Dk
Key AttributeOrganization Dk